How much does a dehumidifier cost to use?

Typically, the usual power consumption is about 150 to 800 watts. Dry air is cheaper to heat which means this tool is considerably energy saving. Dehumidifiers don’t just warm the hair but also capture the moisture and remove the dampness from cold air. You can also save some money by purchasing dehumidifiers with a built-in laundry function mode. It will produce warm dry air when positioned properly.

What is a Pint?

A dehumidifier uses pint for size. Pint is a volume unit that is used in both UK and US measurement systems. It was 1/8 of a gallon though the US pink is 20% smaller than a pint in the UK. IN the UK, a pint is equivalent to 568 ml while in the US, the liquid pint is 473 ml or 551 ml for a dry pint.

What size do you need for your home?

Both weight and height is important to consider as well as the amount of water removal needed per day. It is said that they more water needed to remove, the bigger the model will be. Depending on your home and moisture, you must choose a suitable size and consider the area if there is enough room.  Also, you must consider the room conditions. If the space is not always damp, choose a smaller capacity dehumidifier.

Where to put the dehumidifier?

Choose the area with the most humid and dampness occurs. This can be the kitchen, bathroom, basement, or in a hallway. Make sure not to run the dehumidifier in the room you are in, or sleeping in.

Can I leave the dehumidifier on all day?

Many manufacturers say yes and although they are perfectly safe, they should still be treated as an electrical appliance. As always, there are possible risks that may office. However, a commercial grade dehumidifier is an exception as it is built to run 24/7.

Factors to Consider

Add 10 pints if you live in a high humid climate. If there are many people living in your home or your house contains many windows and doors, add another 5 pints. If the area has a wash and dryer, add 5 pints.  Refer to the Appliance Manufacturers guideline to determine the size that is appropriate for your home.

Here is a useful way to determine how many pints your space needs, depending on size.

Under 30 Pint: This is acceptable for rooms of up to 1500 square feet. This is suitable for smaller basements or 1000 square feet spaces with high humidity.

40-50 Pint: This is used for areas up to 2000 square feet as well as spaces that becomes damp all the time.

60-70 Pint: This is advised for spaces later than 2000 square feet as it is suitable for the home, basement as well as crawl spaces in between, regardless of humidity levels.

Regardless of how many people live in your home or the fan speeds, you this feature is very important is you must measure the space where the device will be used and the required capacity. Be sure to acknowledge the damage that your home already has. These simple, important steps will help you choose with machine is right for your home.