Parenting advices by Marissa Anastasi

Parenting tricks from Marissa Anastasi: Be easier on yourself. Know that some days you can’t do it all. I’m a stay at home Mom but I consider it my job to keep my kids and hubby happy, healthy and keep up with the house. Honestly, I’m still trying to find the right balance, but being easy on myself and knowing that some days I cannot do it all is okay. Some days the kids are happy and we went somewhere fun but we have frozen pizza for dinner and some days the kids watch three movies in a row so that I can catch up on laundry and prepare a healthy dinner.

Understand That the Parent-Child Bond Is a Relationship like All Others. “It takes work. Lots of it, so expect that there will be times when it feels hard to connect [with your child] or that you need to work through some issues,” says Kelly and Perren. “Meditation and reflection are really helpful tools for this, as is leaning on your mom friends as all mothers go through this with their kids,” they advise. “Sometimes, although you have it in you, you just need a little guidance to get back on track,” the founders add. Expect that there will be times when it feels hard to connect [with your child] or that you need to work through some issues.

Know the lingo. Do you know what metal core is? How about emo? Have you ever seen a poser? Do you know what a mosh pit is and have you ever seen anyone two step? (not the country two step). If not, then you need to brush up on your teen lingo. You can’t communicate with them if you don’t know the language. Again, it is difficult to communicate and connect with you child if you have such a disconnect that you don’t understand their world. Listen to their music, know the artists AND the genres. Who knows, you may even find some music that you actually like. What’s more, you can talk to your child on their level about their world. Discover a few more info at Parenting advices.

Seeing the world through their eyes! As adults we are always in a rush but kids stop to see the tiniest bugs, to the cloud formations. They really make me slow down to appreciate things I take for granted. It’s so special seeing them experience the world for the first time and seeing them appreciate the simplest of things. The moment when your child does something kind, completely unprompted. It reminds me that everything I am trying my hardest to teach them every day is actually slowly going in. It gives me hope for the future!

Hey, my name is Marissa and I’m a mummy to 4. I’m 34 years old and live in the sunny Mediterranean island, Cyprus. Larnaca to be precise!. You can read more about me and a brief description of my journey so far on my introduction blog. 2020 is when I officially started blogging. I remember up until I met my husband at 16, I always used to write a daily diary of my day, my feelings and just whatever came to mind. Starting to write again is nice but at the same time, a little out my comfort zone knowing that people might read it! Since moving to Cyprus, I have pushed myself and have been given the confidence by my family into things I have never tried before but always wanted to do. Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy the blogs. Read additional details at