Tips and tricks to a professional resume

Many persons are competing for the same job. If you want a job you must be noticed by the recruiter, in a sea of resumes. That’s why you need a resume writing service. Here are some advices for a better resume for people who want to self educate about the basics. Several basic types of resumes are best for job openings. Depending on your personal and professional circumstances, choose a chronological, functional, combination, or targeted resume. Decide on one that best fits your work experience, educational background, and skill set. Take the time to customize your resume; it is well worth the effort as it won’t seem copied.

Make sure that your resume is in alignment with the job description of the job for which you are applying. Too often people think that their resume is a “once and done” proposition. Not so! You should customize your resume for every job each time you apply. Match up keywords from the job description with keywords in your resume. Make sure that your achievements and successes indicate that you are an excellent candidate for the job for which you are applying. You need to tweak your resume for every single job posting.

Assume that your resume will be viewed on a computer screen rather than on a piece of paper. Most resumes are sent, received, and managed via PC. That does not mean that the document has to be drab and ugly, visually. In fact, the opposite is true. If you do not have to conform to traditional standards of print, you can step out with attention grabbing formatting such as use of color, text animation, images, etc. The use of pdf (protected document file) format is growing, allowing for more aggressive, creative formatting.

The job market is over-saturated and highly competitive. With 250+ candidates applying for the same job and 94% of recruiters sourcing candidates on LinkedIn, you must stand out and get noticed faster in the digital age. That’s why turning to a Certified Professional Resume Writer is the best decision for your career. It can mean the difference between getting an average job versus getting the job you want, and deserve! Qualified (highly certified) resume writers are trained to see things in a resume that laypersons do not see. Read more details on Certified resume writer.

Since 2009, our talented team of US-based certified professional resume writers have been working to provide the highest quality resumes for our clients. Our goal is to ensure your resume is ATS-compatible and viewed by hiring managers. We will write your resume with the upmost quality and distinction, striving to set you apart from other candidates. Contact us today and get started toward landing your dream job tomorrow!

Will my writer specialize in my industry or profession? This is a “nice to have,” not a “must-have.” While we aim to place you with a writer that specializes in your particular field, our top-notch resume writers can do great work for an array of careers and industries. We are equipped with the right knowledge, skills and tools to conduct whatever background research is necessary to ensure you have a resume that highlights your strengths while including the necessary qualifications to help you stand out for the position you are targeting. Resume writers are experts in learning about your background and industry and writing your resume relative to your unique goals, not just a specific industry.