The top pest control firm in Jakarta, Indonesia giving several pest control tips

Pest control advices from the top pest control company in Jakarta? Keep all of your grains and sugar-rich foods in tight containers. When you spot an ant trail, mix soap and water in a spray bottle and spray the area to kill the ants. This also removes scent trails that ants use to communicate with one another. Should your ant problem be located outside, sprinkle cornmeal around the exterior of your home and remove water sources to drive ants away. If you locate a nest or a mound, pour boiling water over it. Don’t give pests a reason to come to your house. Make sure your home will appear unattractive to them as they wouldn’t be able to find what they’re looking for in there. Call an expert right away if you think you need the help of professionals who offer organic pest control services.

Fruit flies are insistent little pests that can take the sweetness out of your kitchen. Instead of spraying harmful chemicals in the places where you prepare your food, consider constructing a simple and inexpensive trap. Pour a third of a cup of warm water into a 16-ounce glass jar. Stir in a packet of active dry yeast and a teaspoon of sugar: The fermentation of the yeast coupled with the sugars makes an irresistible concoction for these pests. Cover the jar with plastic wrap and secure it around the rim with a rubber band. Poke a very small hole into the plastic where fruit flies can enter, then let it sit for a week while it collects fruit flies.

Even though you make your house ultimately clean and sanitized at all times, these pests will still be able to find their way into your home. They are able to do this because you have what they need. So what you need to do is make your house less appealing to these pests by blocking their easy entrance and removing their sources of food. Blocking easy entrance for pest control. Keep in mind that these pests are not only small in size. They are also able to squeeze their body to make it even much smaller to be able to enter your house. What you should do then is go outside your house and take a walk around it, looking for holes in your doors, windows, walls, and any other possible place a pest could enter. Look for holes, cracks and all other types of openings that could grant them access to your house. Seal these openings and make sure they are tight so that pests cannot claw their way in. See extra details at

For our indonesian guests:

Di mana satu semut berada, jejak semut siap untuk diikuti. Syukurlah, air, gula dan Borax dapat mengakhiri perjalanan mereka. Campurkan setengah cangkir gula dan 1 ½ sendok teh Boraks. Tambahkan campuran ini ke 1 ½ gelas air hangat dan aduk sampai semua partikel benar-benar larut. Temukan beberapa tutup plastik bersih dan dangkal yang telah Anda simpan dari wadah makanan sekali pakai, balikkan, dan isi dengan solusinya. Tempatkan kelopak di tempat semut diketahui bepergian. Semut akan tertarik pada gula, memakan solusinya, dan membawanya kembali ke ratu mereka.

Di Indonesia, kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh serangan rayap lebih sering ditemukan jika dibandingkan dengan banjir dan kebakaran. Hal ini dikarenakan iklim tropis di Indonesia memiliki tingkat kelembaban yang tinggi sehingga mendongkrak pertumbuhan dari koloni rayap. Rayap mampu memakan kayu selama 24 jam tanpa istirahat, hal inilah yang menyebabkan hama rayap dapat dengan sangat cepat merusak bangunan dan memakan biaya yang mahal untuk perbaikan bangunan yang telah dimakan rayap. Baca detail lebih lanjut di situs web Jasa Anti Rayap.

Seperti yang sedang stres, memeriksa rumah Anda sangat penting dalam pengendalian hama. Ini tidak akan membutuhkan lubang besar agar serangga dapat menembus rumah Anda. Hama agak kecil dan mereka dapat dengan mudah masuk dari lubang kecil. Tikus di sisi lain adalah seniman pelarian yang sangat baik dan mereka hanya akan membutuhkan seperempat lubang seukuran inci untuk memasuki rumah Anda. Rumah Anda akan memiliki sejumlah lubang masuk dan jadi Anda sebaiknya memeriksanya, periksa saluran televisi kabel, saluran telepon, garasi, dan terutama loteng Anda. Lubang-lubang di lokasi-lokasi ini sering dilupakan atau diterima begitu saja. Ini sekarang waktu terbaik untuk melihat mereka jika Anda ingin mendapatkan kontrol yang memadai atas hama terkenal Anda.