reviews & guides for production companies

Best guides for artists 2023 by Global Casting Network: Global Casting Network provides an effective and convenient solution for the casting directors that rely on our assistance for their casting needs at no cost. You can easily access our online database system anywhere in the world and use advanced tools to search for talent by attributes, abilities or location. Profiles are updated to portray an accurate representation of talent. We are experienced in providing quality service which enables the casting process to be managed effortlessly. Our online database system is user friendly yet provides solutions for casting’s ever-changing and unique needs. Find more details talented artists software.

While agents book you for work, a manager’s job is to provide career guidance and business management. Talent managers can be anyone a client trusts to manage their business. In many cases, talent managers are family members or friends. Talent managers work with clients to managing the day-to-day aspects of their career, including scheduling, fielding calls, making sure you meet deadlines, and fulfilling promised deliverables. Talent managers help hire and manage any staff for a client.

GlobalCastingNetwork platform is used by agents and casting directors in the TV& Film industry. Global Casting Network platform offers these professionals with tools to manage their castings, manage their bookings and stay in contact with casting professionals. These casting professionals are able to post their film&tv jobs on our site and find people to work on their projects.

With many of agents and casting directors reviews that have commented on how fast and easy it is for them to book talent at the last minute with Global Casting Network, this casting search engine and database is a perfect software for the entertainment industry in 2023. Global Casting Network tools allow them to find specific talent to accommodate roles that are difficult to cast. With a very good customer service Global Casting Network are fast to respond and often make changes to their software to make the casting process as easy and efficient as possible.

It sounds simple, but it takes practice. Walk in the door with your head held high. Be wary of shuffling feet. You don’t get sympathy points if you’re nervous, not feeling well, or having a bad day. Leave it outside the door. You are being sized up the minute you walk in so practice good posture and body language before you arrive. And don’t forget to smile—that’s the lasting impression you want to leave. Show variety: Feel the levels and dynamics in the scene. Don’t play one emotion. If the character is angry or tough, when might they show some vulnerability? Wannabe? Not you! Interesting, memorable auditions will start to happen for you when you dig into scripts with these thoughts in mind before and during your auditions. Read more details

GlobalCastingNetwork recommendations for talent agencies : The local media is always looking for a buzz-worthy story, which you can create. If your talent agency is new, create a press release for the local news outlets that describes your agency, your experience, the type of talent you seek and your contact information. To ensure your press release gets in the right hands, call the newspaper or news source to find out the appropriate person’s name and email address or fax number. If you are hosting a special event, like a charity dinner, let the editors or producers at local news agencies know about this event to see whether a reporter would like to write a story about the event and your talent agency.

Referrals can help. Grossman Jack Agent Jess Jones shares “As an agent and as an agency, we take talent referrals very seriously. If you are working with an actor (someone you like and trust and respect), and if they are working with an agency you also like and respect, a referral of you to their agent would probably go a long way.” Remember, this is a business and even though agents are usually friendly folk, it doesn’t mean they are your friend, so don’t act too familiar or over share when you first meet a potential agent. Think “business casual” behavior in which professionalism, timeliness, and preparedness are key.

Don’t waste money mailing to every agent in town. Instead, reach out to your selected 15-20 agents and agencies. Actors bombard agents with submissions all the time. If you don’t get responses, submit to your second round of choices. Agents and managers will call you for a meeting if they’re interested in what they see in your submission. Ask your network for referrals. If you have industry contacts, teachers, or friends who can recommend you to your desired agent(s), ask your contact if they would advise the agent to expect your submission.

Global Casting Network is an innovative online database system that provides performers, agents and casting directors with a platform to facilitate the casting process. Through our excellent customer support and efficient online database system, Global Casting Network is committed to bringing a high-quality experience to entertainment professionals. Global Casting Network is not an agency and does not offer employment. We are a talent database system that offers web hosting and messaging systems to our members. We are not responsible for job postings or agreements made between our members, casting directors, and agents while using our service.

Preparation: Walking into an audition without having your sides at least mostly memorized for a television series, or a monologue and audition song completely memorized for a musical or theatrical production, is a waste of everyone’s time. Show yourself some respect and build a reputation for being prepared for auditions. If you’re not right for this role but manage to make an impression on a casting director because you put in the work, they might bring you in for something else you’d be perfect for! (Pro tip: For musical auditions, says Backstage Expert Andrew Byrne, make sure your binder with your sheet music is well-organized, its pages are double sided, and your musical cuts are properly labeled.)

To get a casting director’s attention in the audition room, be professional, come prepared, and deliver your best performance—and then don’t take it personally if they still aren’t entirely focused. Yes, it can be disheartening to put a lot of work into a piece that isn’t being received with rapt, undivided attention. But no, the casting director does not have a vendetta against you. “Remember, these people are under a lot of pressure,” says Secret Agent Man. “They have to get the job done while fielding calls from their producers, the director, the studio, the network, and guys like me who are trying to get their clients in the room. So if the casting director is eating lunch during your audition, it means he’s hungry. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you. That’s why it’s a mistake to read into every little moment that occurs before, during, and after your audition. That road leads to madness. And nine out of 10 times, you’ll be totally wrong.”

The purpose of the meeting is to give the agent a chance to determine if you can make it as an actor, so be ready to perform for the agent. That means to have a monologue prepared to recite at a moment’s notice and be prepared to do a cold reading from a script that the agent hands you. You should never be afraid to ask questions during your interview. Here are five questions you should ask during your meeting. Who will represent me from your agency? How many clients do you currently represent What kind of actor do you see me? How many other actors do you serve actors that are similar to me? How would you direct my career? What kind of work have you gotten in the last six months for your actors?